Feliz Día Del Niño! :)

Feliz Día Del Niñpara la princesa Sabrina Sakaë y su hermanito Matthew Alejandro !!

Y tambien para Thalia, la #NinaEterna, que disfrutes este dia junto a tus hermosos hijos!

Hagan muchas travesuras hoy y siempre! 😀

Los amo !!

Feliz Día Del Niño para TODOS los ninños del mundo!! 🙂

More photos of Thalia at March for Babies

Credits: Paris Neon

Thalia supports March of Dimes and March for Babies

The voice of March of Dimes Spanish language mission and March for Babies campaigns, Thalia has been a strong supporter of our cause for Stronger Healthier Babies!  via

Today was a special Sunday, as Thalia and more than 5.000 people participated in March of Dimes‘ March for Babies in White Plains, New York. The walks organized by this foundation are meant to raise money and awareness in the battle against premature births, infant mortality and birth defects. (source)

Thalia has been sharing the experience on Twitter throughout the day, at the same time encouraging her fans and followers to donate and help the cause, all for the babies.

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196567497242198017]

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196589997430812673]

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196589086205685760]

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196572799589027841] [tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196573827487117312] [tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196600367553839104]

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196660851867009025] [tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196691461092294656]

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196711298585726976]

Some more photos gathered from the Internet:

photo via PrimerImpacto

Latin music superstar Thalia welcomes and thanks the crowd for their support. Credit: Stu Bayer

Thalía, una carismática y comprometida activista de la causa de la salud de los bebés © Twitter via Hola

Photos belong to @luivenpr (+ thanks ThaliaDiva for these last 3 photos)

Thalia is showing once again what a wonderful person she is, loving and caring, doing the best she can to support this cause and help the babies. I’m sure that for her and all the volunteers, this has been a rewarding experience, while for many more people, it has been an inspiration and an example to follow.

If you’d like to know how you can help, visit http://www.marchofdimes.com/http://marchforbabies.org/ or http://nacersano.org/ for more information. Volunteer or donate now!

Edit: Thanks for the tweet, Thali ♥

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196760765049479170]

[tweet https://twitter.com/#!/thalia/status/196783267108757504]

For more photos, click here.

Thalia on the main page of Wikipedia (Artículo destacado)

Today’s featured article on Wikipedia en Español is…  Thalía !! 🙂

To all the people who contributed to the writing of this article about Thalia, her life and her career, GOOD JOB! It really is outstanding and I’m glad all Wikipedia users got the chance to see it today.

Feliz Dia de Thalia!

Feliz Dia de Thalia! Happy Thalia’s Day!

April 25 was declared “Dia de Thalia” 15 years ago, in Los Angeles! Thalifans around the world celebrate it every year with lots of enthusiasm, joy and love  In the past couple of years (since I’ve been around) Twitter has played an important part, being the place where we gather for virtual parties all day long. This year is no exception, so join Thalia and the celebration on her Twitter page @thalia and under the hashtag #DiaDeThalia! 😀

Today is even more special, since 10 months ago we welcomed our precious Yuyu into our lives. Feliz cumplemes, Matthew Alejandro!

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