Guest post: 3 millones de GRACIAS @Thalia

Thalia has reached 3 million followers on Twitter! I was thinking of writing a post about it but my inspiration is failing me today, but lucky me, I just saw that my friend Matias already prepared something 😀 I loved what he wrote and I agree with everything he said. Here’s another wonderful post, enjoy it:


La cuenta Oficial de @Thalia en Twitter superó los 3 millones de seguidores, es una de las latinas más seguidas en esa red social, que es una redes más importantes en la actualidad.

Como lo dice el título de su último libro “Cada dia más fuerte” esa frase  también se ve reflejada en el cariño de todo su público que cada dia expresa su admiración hacia la “Reina de las Telenovelas” y la mexicana con mayor proyección a nivel mundial.

Pero creo que las gracias tenemos que darles los fans a ella, ya que nos permite día a día ingresar a su mundo, compartir sus emociones, sus alegrías, sus tristezas, sus proyectos, nos hace sentir que estamos mas cerca de ella.

En este sitio se puede ver el crecimiento día por dia de Thalia en Twitter:

*Ana-Maria: y en este tambien

Me quedó con esta frase de Thalía extraída del libro CADA DIA MAS FUERTE:

“Como todos, yo tengo cosas que me impulsan y cosas que me jalan y obstaculizan, que podamos ver una luz en el camino; que juntos abracemos, perdonemos, restauremos y amemos a la persona más importante que pueda haber. Nosotros mismos. De la mano de mis remembranzas, descubrí el poder que llevo dentro de mí. Asimilé que cada vivencia, cada dificultad, cada problema, cada episodio doloroso, difícil o intenso, me ha permitido conocerme cada vez más y hacerme cada día más fuerte”.

Creo que esa fortaleza que nos transmite, esas ganas de luchar, de ser una GUERRERA como siempre dice, hace que sea una de las ARTISTAS más queridas a nivel mundial.

Por ser la mujer que más de 3 millones de personas admiramos,  somos tus guerreros, que nunca te vamos a dejar caer, estamos unidos, como un escudo que te va a defender y proteger contra todo lo malo.

Por todo eso te decimos 3 MILLONES DE GRACIAS THALÍA.

You sneaky Thalia!

Yes. That’s what I thought at 6:30 am this morning as I was checking Thalia’s tweets from my telephone and saw this:!/thalia/status/161664858012651520

I couldn’t see the photo from my phone so I didn’t realize what was actually going on… until…!/thalia/status/161665749109321729!/thalia/status/161665949190193153!/thalia/status/161666351382007809!/thalia/status/161667151143501824

“una travesurita pequeñita” hahaha, right 😛

I’m just thankful my phone is so simple that it can’t open twitter pics unless I want it to and have the patience for them to load, cause otherwise I would have started my day with that traumatizing photo. I feel sorry for those who were actually expecting some sweet, good night picture. When I got back home and looked at that photo and read the info… you can’t imagine how horrible I felt. Leaving Thalia’s joke aside, I can’t understand why anybody would have a tradition like that (no disrespect intended), why they would make little girls do something like that to themselves. For over a thousand years.

Anyway, getting back to Thalia’s “travesurita”, I can imagine her sending that tweet and then rolling on the floor laughing at people’s reactions. And then saying “una travesurita pequeñita” with that cute smile that only she has and that I absolutely adore. Priceless.

(that smile can’t be captured in just one photo, so here’s the video):

Ironically, it’s at the “Yo no me rio, pero podria” verse.

Well, Thali… we’re not laughing now, but imagine what would happen if even a small part of the ~3 million followers will one day decide that “It’s payback time!” I’m just saying 😀

PS: This is the video that inspired the title “You sneaky Thalia!”

Guest post: Trilogia de “Thalias” durante 2 decadas: (1992-2012)

Post by @MatiasKine
Gracias! 🙂


La “Trilogía de las Marías” conocida como ese nombre a nivel mundial vista por  miles de millones de personas, en más de 180 países, convirtiendo a Thalía en la denominada “Reina de las Telenovelas” si bien toda esa información es cierta, hoy quedarnos con eso es decir poco, ya que el fenómeno sigue creciendo en la actualidad.

1992                                                       1994                                                       1995

Cuesta creer, que dos decádas después se sigan repitiendo sus telenovelas en distantas partes del mundo, que además de generar rating, enamoran a nuevas generaciones de “Marias” que ven en Thalía su nueva heroína, y por sobre todo revive el espíritu que creer que pese a todo el amor termina triunfando.

Me atrevó a decir que no habrá otra trilogía tan exitosa como la que realizó Thalía, creo que ella no se debe imaginar todo lo que generó y genera actualmente en los pequeños, una generación nueva, que esta descubriendo a unos de las mejores actrices que marcó historia en el ámbito de la telenovelas a nivel mundial.

FESTEJEMOS estas DOS DECADAS de ÉXITO de las trilogías con las mejores canciones de cada una:


MARIMAR (1994) 


Cuál es la fórmula del éxito de esta trilogía 20 años después?  Solo con ver a Thalía la pregunta esta contestada.


Feliz Ano Nuevo, Thalia! (It’s never too late…)

This was something that Nastia (@cuatachona) and I made a couple of days before New Year’s Day, as a small present and a way of sharing our wishes for 2012 to Thalia.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of writing a post about it before, I guess all I cared about was for her to watch it. Any kind of response would have been sweet, I just wanted to know that she did watch it… but it didn’t come.

Anyway, I was about to update my Heart page with it and I though I should post it too. Thali, in case you’re spying on my blog like you usually do (that’s what I like to believe) or you’ve just clicked this link by mistake haha, as I said in the title “It’s never too late…”  😀 I really hope you’ve watched it, cause it came from the heart. From our hearts 🙂


This morning, thanks to a RT on Twitter, I watched a video. Although my speakers were turned off and I couldn’t hear their voices, the subtitles in Spanish were more than enough for me to realize how much it meant for everyone in the video to support that dream, to help their friend and to convince Thalia of one thing: that she HAS to meet Táyra.

I was so impressed with this video that while watching it I only though of one thing. Thalia HAS to meet her. They convinced me and I was absolutely sure that when she’d watch the video, she would think the same thing, too.

As I was about to tell Táyra how much I loved her video and that I was going to post it on my blog, trying to help even a little bit so that Thalia would watch it, I took a look at her most recent tweets. As it turns out, Thalia’s already watched the video and her reaction, via DMs, was: “Muy hermoso el video” and “:-))))”. So far, so good. But then, I was just sad to see how Táyra took it. That was not the reaction she had expected.

Táyra, I really hope you read this. I don’t know you (I just remember Thalia tweeting your first letter to her some time ago) and you most definitely don’t know me at all. But I hope you listen to what I have to say to you. I know that her response wasn’t the one you hoped for, I understand that it made you feel sad and disappointed and I understand why you wrote the things you wrote after that, I would have probably felt the same way. But I can also assure you that you are wrong. I am 100% sure that Thalia loved your video as much as everyone else. Yes, she might not have said to you right away:  “I want to meet you!” or anything like that. But she let you know that she knows. She knows how much you adore her, how you’ve dedicated part of your life and everything you do to her, how badly you want to meet her. And I’m sure that some time from now, I’ll be writing another post about you and how you made your dream come true, just like I did with Maxi‘s story, or with Andrea and Giota‘s story. So don’t ever stop believing in your dreams and in your power to fulfill them. And don’t ever lose faith in Thalia!

I ended one of those two posts with this quote: “Dream is just a word until you decide to fight for it with all your enthusiasm and commitment.” – Paulo Coelho This video was just a small part of your fight to make your dream come true and I admire that, so don’t give up on your enthusiasm and commitment now!

That’s all I have to say about this… and I hope that everyone here who reads it and dreams of meeting Thalia one day will learn something from it.

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