100.000 !!! Guest post: Una cancion de Thalia en cada etapa de la vida

Hmmm… 100.000 what? Well… my beloved blog has reached 100.000 page views today!! It’s been almost a year since my first post (stay tuned, I’ll soon get back to you with a celebratory post on the blog’s birthday!) but until then, in order to mark this special day, I’ve asked one of my friends to write a guest post (because I’m too lazy to write my own posts hahaha).

Why did I choose Matias (or Matu, as I like to call him 🙂 ) for this post? It’s simple, because ever since he discovered my blog, he’s been the only one who has constantly encouraged me to go on with it and keep writing, who kept telling me how good my blog is every single time he read a new post and the one who ended up leaving the most comments on my posts (after he figured out how to post a comment 😛 ). It’s always a pleasure for me to read his opinions and every word he has had for me made me feel good about this blog, about sharing my thoughts with everyone, knowing that someone will always be there waiting for a new post, reading it and enjoying it. I’m truly happy that Thalia, without even knowing it, brought us together and that I can call him “my friend“, because he’s a genuinely kind and sweet person 🙂

The photo above was actually a surprise from him, a wonderful collage of photos I’ve posted over the past year, hope you like it as much as I do!

So, here’s what he wrote (beware, it’s in Spanish, but it’s totally worth reading!) It’s an incredible text (as it turned out, writing is Matu’s secret talent :D) and I love how he structured it and everything that he said about how Thalia’s music is part of our lives. I hope this isn’t the first and last guest post he writes, my blog is open to him and to anyone who wants to share a story or a feeling or anything that’s inspired by Thalia! Enjoy!



Siempre creí que la música es una de las mejores formas de expresión que puede tener un ser humano, cada canción es, en si misma, su propio universo y contiene en apenas minutos miles de sentimientos que buscan quedarse en el pensamiento del que la escucha, por eso quise hacer un recuento de como THALIA atrás de su música esta presente en cada momento de nuestras vidas.

*El primer hecho de nuestras vidas es el NACIMIENTO, creo que con el tema BENDITA, dedicado a Sabrina, Thalia plasma que solo basta que alguien aparezca en nuestra vida, para que cambie el resto de ella y haga que todo tenga un significado diferente.


*Otro momento importante, uno de los motores de la vida es el AMOR , con temas como GRACIAS A DIOS, CERCA DE TI, TODA LA FELICIDAD, QUIERO HACERTE EL AMOR, ESTOY ENAMORADO, SANGRE, entre otros, trata de expresar las mil maneras que hay de amar, una pareja, un familiar, un amigo, esos temas van dedicados a todas las personas que se animan al Amor, una palabra mayor que se escribe pero que es dificil explicarla, por es algo que se siente dentro de cada uno.


*Si hablamos de amor, claramente hay que hablar del DESAMOR, creo que en ese ámbito Thalia sabe transmitir ese dolor que se siente haber perdido ese sentimiento, con temas como EQUIVOCADA, COMO, COSIENDOME EL CORAZON, DESOLVIDANTE, REGRESA A MI, NO ME ENSEÑASTE, AMAR SIN SER AMADA, entre otros, son esos temas que nos hacen sentir esa angustia dentro del corazón, pero a la vez nos recuerdan esas heridas que conviven con nosotros, y que dejan cicatrices algunas mas visibles que otras, pero estan ahi recordandonos, que vivimos y sentimos, que es lo mas importante.


*Pero en nuestra vida también hay ALEGRIAS, momentos de diversión con amigos, o de simplemente tener ganas de bailar y sentirse vivo, para esos momentos también nos dió canciones, como ARRASANDO, I WANT YOU, A QUIEN LE IMPORTA, SEDUCCIÓN, PIEL MORENA, entre otros, que nos recuerdan que esas pequeños momentos es lo que hacen que la vida tenga sentido inmenso.


Como se darán cuenta en cada momento, en cada sentimiento, siempre hay una canción acompañandonos, por lo tanto THALIA siempre esta transmitiendonos, nos hace sentir como dice su libro “Cada Dia Mas Fuerte” porque a pesar que en la vida hay momentos dificiles, siempre hay que vivir y saber que lo mejor de nuestras vida esta por venir, para terminar queria terminar con una canción y con una frase de THALIA que resume todo:


*La gente se pone objetivos para la felicidad, pero la felicidad es una elección de cada minuto…”

P/D: Mis agradecimiento a Ana-Maria with a dash o como la llamó yo Princess Bananahammock por la oportunidad de que este no sea un blog solamente de noticias sobre Thalia, sino una forma de expresión para los fans o las personas que admiran a Thalia, y que podamos comunicarnos y decir todo lo que ella, a través de música nos transmite, nos motiva, nos incentiva, eso es lo mágico de ella y por eso la amamos tanto.

GRACIAS nuevamente por el espacio, y a seguir por mucho más.

New blog: Museo Thalía en Nebraska

I was just checking my DMs on Twitter and I found one from Thalisman saying “El Museo de Thalía en Nebraska”. Well, those few words were enough to catch my attention and I HAVE to share it with you. His collection of all kind of items related to Thalia, from old CDs and cassettes, posters, T-shirts and everything you could think of is so impressive, the title “El Museo de Thalía” being just perfect for it, it really looks like a museum 🙂 Here are some of the pictures, I’m going to let you discover the rest of them on his blog, http://museothalia.blogspot.com I highly recommend it!

Happy BDay – Aug. 26, 2006 – Al Numaniyah, Iraq

PS: I’d have one small suggestion though, a short description of the photos and the things one’s looking at would be great 😀

EA: Thalía at Brazilian Carnaval

Here’s another great story by Espiroquetas Alebrestadas! The funny thing about Paula is that she’s kind of a quiet little writer/blogger/(hey, Paula, what would you call us? haha), she posts something on her page and patiently waits for people to discover it, how cute is that? 🙂 But you know what they say… Sharing is caring! Hint hint 😀

As I started reading the post, “So, it was 1998 when Thalía” my first thought was “wow, 1998? I was … (neaah, not telling you that) years old!” and it goes on “came to Brazil for the fourth time” and I was like “the fourth time? I wish she’d been to Romania for 4 times! or even just once…” and it goes on “in this ocassion for one of her greatest experiences in life: participating at Carnaval of Rio de Janeiro.” “oooh, I bet it was!!” Don’t worry, I’m not gonna do a full text analysis right now! hahaha. (wow, I really love my sense of humor sometimes :D) Anywaaaay…

She was on the shoulders of Superman.

So, it was 1998 when Thalía came to Brazil for the fourth time, in this ocassion for one of her greatest experiences in life: participating at Carnaval of Rio de Janeiro. I used to live 3 hours away from the cidade maravilhosa, but I couldn’t go see her parading. My mom didn’t know much about Rio nor was she comfortable with the travelling idea. I also didn’t want her taking the steps I needed, all by myself, to get to know Thalía (which was a more critical reason).

But that was fine… I was at home pretending I worked at a diary and wanted to take a word with the Mexican Huracan. I’d call Ceaser’s Palace with this story, and yet use a fake spanish accent, God knows why.


If you want to find out how the story goes on next, check out the rest of it by clicking here. It is worth it, trust me! Especially for that secret revealed by Paula at the very end of it!

Nadia Comaneci a la Mexicana (Part 2)

Nearly a year ago I wrote this post about Nadia Comaneci and Thalia, Nadia Comaneci a la Mexicana, to which I received some really nice reactions from both of them hihi 😀

As I was fortunately enough to get a sneak peak of Thalia’s book, Growing Stronger (special thanks to the person who made it possible), I found this excerpt where Thalia mentions Nadia:

“After I had recovered from Lyme disease, my muscles were left totally flaccid, and they required extensive toning. As a child I always wanted to be an Olympic gymnast, and after seeing Nadia Comaneci win her gold medals in 1976 with a perfect ten, I yearned to be just like her. After beating the worst parts of the disease, I looked for a way to make that a reality and to grant that wish to my inner child.”

And thanks to this wonderful thing called Twitter, I showed it to Nadia and guess what? A few minutes later she tweeted this:


Reading that fragment from Thalia’s book and knowing that Nadia read it too makes me really happy, I think the connection they have is great, and I can’t stop wondering if they’ve already met each other personally 😀

I’m ending this post by telling you that today’s Nadia’s birthday, she turned 50! I think there’s no need to say that Nadia Comaneci is a true legend of Gymnastics and Romania is extremely proud of her, so we all wish her the best! May she continue to inspire many, many more people! 🙂

Happy Birthday, Nadia!

Las primeras paginas de Cada día más fuerte

Hace una semana les presente las primeras paginas de Growing Stronger, ahora es tiempo para hacer lo mismo con las de Cada día más fuerte! Hagan click aqui para leerlas. 🙂

(Y creo que este ha sido el tercer post que me atrevi a escribir en espanol, medio cortito pero ya esta. Quizas volvere a hacerlo de vez en cuando…)

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