Thalia introduces her son Matthew Alejandro (Hola magazine HQ scans)

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Thalia introduces her son Matthew Alejandro (

This week on Hola!, Thalia introduces her son Matthew Alejandro, together with her husband Tommy Mottola.

This week in Hola’s magazine pages, singer Thalia introduces her son Matthew Alejandro, who’s almost 3 months old, accompanied by her husband Tommy Mottola. “He’s a wonderful baby, funny, cheerful and very bright. I’ve never been so madly in love with a man.” The couple’s second baby was born a month after the unexpected death of the artist’s mother, therefore she assures: “I know that my son was born a gladiator, because he took his first battle agains pain, agains anxiety and loss during my last month of pregnancy, with my mother’s death.”

Sabrina, the singer’s first-born, is almost 4 years old now and she’s delighted to have a little brother. “Sabrina is a very good sister; she kisses him, she hugs him, tells him stories, and she’s not jealous, not at all.” Having such parents, it’s hardly surprising that being so young, he already has such a well-developed ear. “Matt loves listening to mambo, he falls asleep to that music, so I put some Pérez-Prado and that’s all! I’m happy that in this matter he’s just like his grandmother, who loved listening to mambo every day.”

Even though she’s not rejecting the idea, in fact she’s would love to have another baby soon, Thalia confesses that she’d like to finish some professional projects that she’s been working on first. Among them, her new album, which will be released next year, and a book in which she’s telling her experiences.


[Video] Tommy Mottola about the birth of Matthew Alejandro

Watch Tommy Mottola’s first words to the media (Escandalo TV)  a few hours after the birth of his and Thalia’s son, Matthew Alejandro.

( sorry for the poor video quality, it’s the best I could do with my photo camera 🙂 )

Felicidades, Thalia! Bienvenido a este mundo, Yuyu!

Llegaste justo a tiempo
como un ángel caído del cielo
Que larga fue la espera
pero se que ha valido la pena.



Hoy nos compartiste la noticia mas maravillosa, es el momento del Yuyu en el mundo! 🙂 Muchas felicidades mi Thali! Muchos besos y un abrazo lleno de bendiciones para ti y tu hijo lindo, a una almita nueva! Es una gran felicidad, un cachito de amor que a veces no te va a dejar dormir :), pero seguro que te dara muchas esperanzas y emociones nuevas! Adelante con alegria, pues que no hay nada mas hermoso en la vida que una nuevo ser, un milagro unico, irrepetible, especial y hermoso! Cuidense mucho! Un abrazo inmenso a tu corazon, lleno de amor por esa creatura que hoy entro a tu vida!!! TQM!


Un dia muuuuy feliz, lleno de emocion y alegria por la llegada de este bebe tan esperado por todos, de nuestro Yuyu! Thalia, estoy contentisima por ti y por tu familia, por este maravilloso rayito de luz que acaba de entrar en sus vidas (y las de todos nosotros)  y que les llenara de amor y de ternura, por este regalo tan especial que Dios les ha mandado. Les deseo lo mejor del mundo, que disfruten cada momento juntos y que la felicidad este presente  siempre en su hogar y en sus corazones. Muchas bendiciones y un fuerte abrazo! Recuerda, mi Thali: TU eres ese Angel llamado Mama! 🙂

Bienvenido a este mundo, Matthew Alejandro Mottola! Te queremos mucho, nuestro angelito precioso!!