Thalia, is that you? (Impersonations)

Ok, I’ve kinda bragged about this post on Twitter, so now I hope it won’t disappoint anybody 😛

I’m not even sure that the word I put in brackets is exactly the right one for what I’m about to show you, it would be something between impersonation/impression/imitation/parody/etc/you got the point.

So, a couple of days ago I watched this hilarious video thanks to ThaliaDiva:

That guy is gooood. Well, especially because he’s a guy hahaha, but the dialogue part at the end was funny too! I thought it was one of the best “parodies” I’ve seen so far.

This also made me think of what other similar moments I have watched… At first I wanted to do a post with people who made parodies of Thalia (see Angelica Vale) but for some reason I still can’t find them that funny, mostly because I take the jokes “too personal” and hold a grudge 😀  So no, this post is not going to be about them. Instead, I remembered that once, Thalia tweeted a video of an impersonator that surprised her, as for a moment even she thought “When did I do this?”

In case you missed it back then (boy, I had some trouble finding it now) here it is:

Confession: I’m still in shock after seeing (once again) how guys approached her for a kiss or to slip her some money, can you imagine Thalia doing that in one of her concerts? In Primera Fila?! That’s a thought that could give me nightmares!

Anyway, in case that video of Jessy didn’t convince you, here are a few more:

a small part of Equivocada:

or maybe Seduccion? It has dancers, choreography, everything!

As someone said in a comment, this is one of the best Thalia-imitators, careful to details, clothes, hairstyle, makeup, gestures. I wonder how much time she spent studying Thalia’s moves (or is she actually a he too? 😀 )

I spend more time searching for people like her and my jaw almost dropped when I saw this video:

Or this one, by the same person:

And since Thalia mentioned this song on Twitter today:

I mean… there’s a pretty big resemblance there too! Of course, adding some imagination, the lights and a normal camera, with not too much zoom hahaha, but still!

And last but not least, we’ve got Sasha:

I’ve found some really bad ones too, which of course I’m not going to post here. I also think all those videos I put above are more than enough, don’t you? I had fun watching them and I hope you did too! If not, just call me crazy! 😛

I just wonder how Thalia feels about them. Another silly thought: what if she actually liked showing up on “events” like those, pretending she’s her own impersonator? Then the question would really be: “Thalia, is that you in those videos?” hahaha

Thanks for reading!

6 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. matiaspsicologia
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 01:41:10

    Me gustó la imitación que hizo Pavel, creo que es mucho más difícil siendo hombre imitar a una mujer, así que tiene un mérito, como siempre en las parodias se exageran los rasgos de la persona imitada para que sea mas gracioso así que estuvo bueno, de hecho la mayoría del público presente prefirió a él. Asi que le doy “Me gusta”.


    • anamariao7
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 01:46:27

      y los otros videos?? no tienes nada que opinar con respecto a ellos? ya no se para que perdi el tiempo buscandolos y escribiendo este post, no te imaginas el esfuerzo que involucro hacer todo eso.


  2. matiaspsicologia
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 02:37:04

    Los otros videos no hice referencia porque no los ví cuando leí el post, recién me di cuenta que cuando mande el comentario, con respeto a las tres imitadoras, Jessy, Sandra ,Sasha me quedo con Jessy me parece que es la que mejor interpretación hace de los temas, y mas producción tiene, por ejemplo en el tema seducción, tiene bailarines y todo, además de que en el vestuario también tiene mucho parecido 🙂


  3. La Negra
    Feb 02, 2012 @ 05:02:04

    Love it! Ana!! I have to tell you! that I have seen a lot of Thalia impersonators or Thalia’s Wannabes! and this guy jessi is awesome, he spend a fortune in all his transformation..I know that Thalia loves when they imitate her in a good way! trust me, I hate la vales imitations too! Thanks Ana!!!


    • anamariao7
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 12:34:57

      heeeey, La Negra! it’s an honor to have you here 😀 so Jessy is actually a guy haha. Well, he does an incredible job! I can see how much time and effort he invested into doing that and it was worth it. He should receive an award for being one of the best impersonators hehe. thank you for reading & commenting! 🙂


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